Une présentation de Spike Minogue, présidente d’office de la section, sur son expérience à la North Bennet Street School de Boston, Massachusetts. Compte-rendu (en anglais)
Présentation : Nous accueillons Anastasia Good, une artiste autodidacte du livre qui combine d’incroyables techniques de peinture avec des structures pop-up dans des livres. Elle réalise des livres d’art articulés, parfois interactifs, avec des effets incroyables.
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Vente garage: Fouillez votre fourniture! La poubelle d’un relieur est le trésor d’un autre! Apportez le matériel pour la vente ou l’échange.
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Steve Quick
10 jan 2018
Démo et faites: Themed Structure (Structure thématique). Apporter de la colle ou du ruban adhésif double face, un couteau, un tapis de coupe et un plioir.
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Susan Pinard
14 fév 2018
Présentation: Papiers pour relieurs et artistes du livre de Spicer’s Paper, Ottawa (présenteur invité)
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Spicer Representative
Spike Minogue
14 mar 2018
Présentation: Miniature books (Livres miniatures)
Planification de l’Expo-vente Arts du livre 2018Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Susan Pinard
11 avr 2018
Présentation: L’impression gélifiée (Gelli plate printing)
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Anne Warburton
9 mai 2018
Conférence: Artists’ Book Content (Contenu des livres d’artistes)
Le compte rendu (en anglais)
Larry Thompson
13 jun 2018
AGA et planification du progamme de saison 2018/2019
Le compte-rendu (en anglais)
Field Trip: Exhibit Tour, Archives and Special Collections, University of Ottawa Library (proceeding on foot from Sandy Hill to the U of O)
Minutes for October
Wabi Sabi: The Japanese Art of Impermanence. Focusing on the natural, the impermanent and the humble – the innate beauty found in the exquisite random patterns left by the flow of nature.
Minutes for September
Holly Dean
14 Oct 2015
“Tricks of the Trade” Membership Participation (everyone who shares a tip(s) will have their name entered into a prize draw)
Minutes for October
Gayle Quick
11 Nov 2015
Part 2 of a report from the 32nd International Association of Paper Historians held in Fabriano and Amalfi, Italy in 2014 including a hands-on examination of watermarks and information recording.
Minutes for November
Show & Tell – My Favourite Book on the Book Arts. Bring in your favourite book (or books) on the Book Arts and share with the group why you like it. If the book inspired you to make something bring that in as well for “show and tell”. Minutes for September
Accordion Folder Demo Gayle will demonstrate a few different ways to make accordion folders. Minutes for October
Overview of Japanese Bookbinding Paper, tools, & structures.Minutes for November
Meeting was cancelled due to weather. Celebrate the Holidays! Join us for an evening in celebration of the Holiday Season. The festivities begin with a gift exchange of bookbinding supplies followed by treats and a chance to mix and mingle with other members. To participate in the gift exchange, bring in a wrapped parcel that contains some type of book binding supplies and these will be exchanged in a fun & festive way. If you can bring in a small amount of holiday treats to share with others that would be a great help. Ho Ho Hope you can join us!
Ten Years Romancing the Press Larry Thompson will discuss the romance and reality of fine press printing at Greyweathers Press after a decade (more or less) of challenges and opportunities, and offer a peek into future plans. FOR THOSE WHO SIGNED UP FOR OUR ENVELOP/PER SWAP: Remember to bring your Swap Envelopes to exchange at this meeting!
Minutes for February
The Altona Haggadah:The History and Conservation Treatment of an 18th CenturyIlluminated Manuscript at Library and Archives Canada
AUTHORS: Maria Bedynski, Leah Cohen, Lynn Curry & Doris St-Jacques from Library and Archives Canada, AND Season Tse from The Canadian Conservation Institute.
PRESENTERS: Leah Cohen, Maria Bedynski & Lynn Curry from Library and Archives Canada.
Minutes for March
Maria Bedynski & Geneviève Samson, both conservators from Library and Archives Canada will report on the activities on the 32nd International Association of Paper Historians held in Fabriano and Amalfi (Italy), two important cities with an early history of European papermaking. The evening program will start with a Powerpoint presentation of the conference followed with hands-on examination of watermarks and information recording.
Minutes for May