Artists of the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective will be showing works that are inspired by a poem, proverb or sayings.

A variety of printmaking techniques ranging from traditional to contemporary including linocuts, eco-printing, etching and others will be showcased in 2 D and 3-D artworks. The texts that each artist drew inspiration from will accompany the artwork.

The participating artists are: Sylvia Bretzloff, Madeleine Rousseau, Peter Dolan, Murray Dineen, Roger Sutcliffe, Debra James Percival, Patricia Slighte, Shirley Yik, Shealagh Pope, Valerie Bridgeman, Denise Lachance, Deidre Hierlihy, Tina Petrovicz, Dale Shutt, and Louise Guay.

Location: Stone School Gallery, 28 Mill Street, Portage-du-Fort, Quebec
Dates: September 11 to October 11, 2020
Hours: Thursday to Sunday, from 11 am to 4 pm

Physical distancing and mask wearing are mandatory inside the gallery.

The upper gallery is very large and easy to social distance. To help keep everyone safe the Stone School Gallery is using these sanitary guidelines:

  • A 2-meter distance must be respected
  • Sanitary measures are displayed on posters outside at the entrance of the gallery
  • Sanitizer gel is available, and the volunteer at the door will ask people to use it
  • The number of persons entering the gallery will be monitored; maximum allowed at the same time 12 downstairs, 18 upstairs
  • Masks inside are mandatory; for people who forget to bring a mask, the gallery have extras for the price of 1$ (will go into the donation box)