Bring EVERYTHING you have worked on this summer!! This is your chance to show off your work and tell us all about anything book/art oriented that you did over the summer!!

This month’s meeting will also be a chance to plan the challenges we all love to do for this year. No swaps this year … you get to keep what you make! We would love to see all of you at the meeting to get a good variety of ideas and get us all wound up for the coming book arts season!!

To those of you who have not been attending our meetings, this is a great time to start! We are a friendly non-judgemental bunch so hop in and enjoy!! The meetings are always a mix of experienced craftspersons and those just beginning to be book people!!

Join us from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Sandy Hill Community Centre250 Somerset Street East in Ottawa in the upstairs game room.

More information about our meetings